# This is an example TeamPlay ini for Reaction servers. Lines begining # with '#' are comments. Everything after '//' on a line is also a comment. # This file is based on CannonFodder's rq3.ini # The ini should begin with a main section. The cvars here are global defaults. <main> timelimit 20 // The amount of time spent playing each map fraglimit 0 // Turn off fraglimit for a TP rotation! g_gametype 4 // 0 = FFA, 4 = TP, 5 = CTB g_friendlyfire 1 // 0 = FF off, 1 = FF on and 2 = FF off, knockback on g_RQ3_maxteamkills 5 // Number of teamkills before the player is kicked g_RQ3_twbanrounds 1 g_RQ3_tkbanrounds 1 g_RQ3_maxweapons 1 g_RQ3_roundlimit 0 // Max no. of rounds to play on each map (0 = no limit) g_RQ3_roundtimelimit 2 // Length of each round g_RQ3_tgren 2 // Number of grenades with the bandolier g_RQ3_limchasecam 0 </main> # Here we define the teams. First comes the name of the team, then the teams # model and skin. Format for model is: modelname/skin <team1> "Robbers" reactionmale/robbers </team1> <team2> "Cops" reactionmale/cops </team2> # And now the actual maprotation. Map specific cvars can be included within each # maps definition. After each map has finished, cvars are reset to values in the # <main> section. So if you change a cvar in a <map> section, you need to put it's # default in the <main> section. # Example: # <map> # mapname # cvar # cvar # ... # </map> <rotation> <map> urban </map> <map> jericho g_gametype 0 </map> <map> kibuye </map> <map> skyscraper </map> <map> teamjungle </map> <map> vashes </map> </rotation> # Matchmode commands - captain, ready, sub, teamname, teammodel, reflogin, ref, refresign